Our vision is a world with resilient communities and risk informed governance in the face of natural hazards and climate change.
We at Scyma Consulting LLC seek to empower individuals, societies, and governments by providing solutions and strategic consulting for resilient communities. We do this through services for capacity building, natural hazard risk awareness and risk reduction, and science-to-policy risk governance. We aim to create safer, resource efficient, and resilient built environmental systems. Our unique ability to work at the individual-scale to the regulatory-scale allows us to deliver holistic solutions for prepared and strengthened developments and futures.
Our service categories include:
Natural hazard risk reduction and resilience consulting
Risk governance and policy advising
Visual communication of technical and scientific content
What is a Scyma, you ask?
Scyma, pronounced "sahy-muh", is either of two moldings having a partly convex and partly concave curve for an outline, used especially in classical architecture. Like our namesake, we believe in design and designed solutions that are backed by measurable performance outcomes.
Scyma provides dynamic, inter-disciplinary research and solutions for safe and resilient buildings, the people who live in them, and governments that develop policy for public safety in light of increasing natural hazards and climate change.
Natural Hazard Resilience
We provide unique and customized services for natural hazard risk reduction and social and technical resilience. Through risk governance and risk communication strategies, Scyma works to create safe and robust communities. We can inform the needs of decision makers with projective and scenario-based analyses of domestic and international hazard contexts for appropriate public policy. We are also proactive in disaster resilience education and awareness to help prepare individuals and cities for imminent natural hazard events. Scyma offers consulting services for life-cycle costs and material flows, earthquake engineering, building performance, and emergency preparedness and planning.
To meet your needs best, our services include:
Strategic planning for risk reduction and resilience objectives
Public policy appraisals and recommendations
Capacity development and creating educational frameworks
Research of multi-factorial disaster risk through systems assessment
Art direction, editing, layout, and design

We're passionate about community, the built environment, and providing innovative and holistic solutions.
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