| August 2024
Scyma invited to participate in a panel discussion on the importance of racial equity in the Structural Engineering Profession. Thank you SOM SF for hosting!
Read more here: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/esc/workshop/2024-NCEHW-Agenda.pdf
Read more here: https://www.eeri.org/advocacy-and-public-policy/public-policy-what-is-eeri-currently-doing
Read more here: https://sandiego.eeri.org/4th-kenji-ishihara-colloquium-series-on-earthquake-engineering-2/
Read more here: https://www.eeri.org/about-eeri/news/11534-2022-eeri-board-of-directors-election-results
Graphic courtesy of EERI.
Graphic courtesy of European Commission and The World Bank Group.
New Report Charts Path Toward Superior Earthquake Recovery (Jan. 2021)
Image courtesy of NCSEA SE3 Committee
Image courtesy of SEAONC.
Image courtesy of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute.
Zahraa Saiyed and Jack English (UT Austin) deliver a webinar for EERI’s Young Members Committee on becoming effective earthquake safety public policy advocates. Learn more here.
Image courtesy of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute.
World Bank report on Multifamily Residential Buildings: Europe and Central Asia Region now released. Stay tuned for blog update. You can view the report page and download the PDF report here.
Multifamily residential buildings in earthquake-prone cities across Central Europe, Balkans, and Central Asia have proved to be vulnerable and have revealed several structural deficiencies during previous earthquake events. Earthquakes in these regions have damaged certain types of multifamily buildings beyond repair or have caused complete collapse, resulting in extensive homelessness and many fatalities. The vulnerability of some of these buildings can be attributed to the mass-produced nature of multifamily residential buildings as well as lack of maintenance, oversight, and disinvestment over many decades. This study investigates earthquake risk of multifamily buildings constructed before 2000 across cities in countries within Europe and Central Asia (ECA) to better understand their behavior and potential losses when subjected to earthquakes, and to inform recommendations for mitigation.
In our sincere efforts to improve the AEC profession for inclusion, equity, and engagement, the SE3 Committee produced a Commitment to Action to elicit our fight for racial justice in our communities. You can read the statement here.
As a volunteer organization composed of practicing structural engineers, we don’t profess to have all the answers. We do, however, have the collective experience of many who have fought for change within the AEC industry. We are a group of passionate individuals dedicated to a better future for our profession. The SE3 Committee stands committed to justice and equality for all through collective, sustained actions. If you are passionate about this too, please join us in this call to action for a more inclusive, fair, and equitable future.
With a stellar set of panelists, Zahraa @ Scyma facilitated a discussion on advocating for natural disaster risk reduction policy for the first ever virtual Natural Hazards Workshop.
This years workshop theme is Active Hope in an Era of Environmental Extremes. You can read more about the goals of the workshop on the Natural Hazards Center website here.
©Natural Hazards Workshop